Anyone who is pregnant, or has been pregnant, has definitely heard the "Wow, you must be ready!" and "You're carrying so low, are you having a boy?" comments. Below are a few of those infamous remarks that should be thought about before spoken. How many of you can relate?!
- “Are you pregnant? Congratulations!” If they are pregnant they will share the news with you when they’re ready so sit tight, and if they’re not you look like an asshole.
- “I can see your body changing.” Trust me, they’re fully aware.
- “Oh wow, you grew since last time I saw you”. Yes, there is a growing human being inside of her—it’s normal.
- “You look ready to pop!” We are not balloons.
- “Are you having a boy or a girl? Looks like a boy/girl”. Again, if they knew they’d most likely share. If they’re not sharing they might not a). Know b). Care to find out c). Both
- Any mommy horror story. She doesn’t need to hear what happened to this girl you know...
- “Sleep now, you’ll never sleep again”. Really? Everyone’s experience is unique. What if they already hired a night nurse?
- “Are you planning on breast feeding?” Breastfeeding is hard, it’s personal, it may work for some moms or babies, may not for others. Let her figure it out—too personal!
- “What’s your stand on vaccination?” Do you walk around asking people this question?
- “Have you been eating a little too much? Just kidding, you look great!”
I can go on and on. If you’re having a good day, you can laugh it off, but if you’re not, comments like these can really bring you down. Pregnancy is an extremely emotional, hormonal, and vulnerable time for a woman. There’s 3 magic words you CAN say: YOU LOOK GREAT.
1 comment
👏👏👏! Agreed! I’m 16 weeks pregnant and have been asked the majority of this questions!