Full moons energetically shed light on our lives and call on us to seek different perspectives. The March Full Worm Moon is tied in to spring, the season of change. It asks for us to welcome transformative opportunities into our lives for us to truly experience growth.
Let this moon create positive change in your life. Awaken your courage through yoga, self-reflect by journaling, but most of all, use this as an opportunity to practice self-compassion. This Full Worm Moon will be especially energetically draining for those who have been avoiding the world. It will push you to face both the light & dark sides of reality. But fear not, as rough tides bring calm seas.
One of our favorite full moon rituals is soaking in a relaxing salt-watered soak like our Bath Therapy for an Open Heart. All-natural sea-salt is best for washing away the stress that comes with energetic shifts. Use your favorite nonporous crystals like crystal quartz (master healing stone) & carnelian (for courage) in your baths to amplify the energetics around this worm moon.
If you don't have a bath, don't worry; soak your feet in saltwater & practice this ritual with the same intention. Alternatively, take a jump in the ocean and dry off under the light of the full worm moon.
With love,
Gigi & The De La Heart Team